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Shane Jay

Genre _ Progressive house / melodic Voice - 0779 428316 Tharidu shan"Shane Jay" ,Mixing songs and throw it into a crowd doesn’t ring a bell in "DJ". Disk Jockeys are the gifted persons who can flow the vibe through finger tips and resonate not only the eardrums but also the souls of the audience with natural frequency of his. Those gifted human beings are very rare like finding a 'painite'.They know effortlessly deliver their music experience to listeners butter smooth. Those accomplished DJs’ gamut of talents is like the electromagnetic spectrum. What we can see is visible range but the feeling spreads throughout the whole palette. Shane Jay is a rare masterpiece well matched with the above interpretation. Since 2016 , Shane Jay occupied himself delivering the extravaganza. The scope of Jay lays out not only performing. Shane achieved a position producing and remixing. Celebrity DJs who are known as legends are fond of being on platforms with Jay.

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