DJ Jammin J of Ndamixx Artwork Image

DJ Jammin J of Ndamixx

A LITTLE BIT ABOUT DJ JAMMIN J - Jammin J started his DJ career in the late 80's while on vacation with his Uncle in LA. Living in a neighborhood of pure DJ's, he would come home from his Summer job to the neighbors spinning 12 inch vinyls in their garage. He finally got enough courage to introduce himself and started hanging out with the crew going to house parties. One night they asked Jammin J if he wanted to give it a try and to their amazement, was right on cue with the beats. After that was his first set at a House Party, the energy he got from the crowd responding to his mixes was an incredible feeling. When he returned to the Bay Area, he saved enough money to buy his first DJ setup and the rest is history. Since then, Jammin J has been serving the Bay Area with his style of mixing in different Nightclubs and Lounges. His first big break was with a Nightclub in Gilroy, CA called Bachelors. He debuted on the same night the DJ got fired and was hired on the spot.

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