Daddy Ernie Artwork Image

Daddy Ernie

I AM BLESSED! Born in London to Jamaican parents, my father was a renowned sound system operator within the Caribbean community, so music was very much a staple diet within my household. My first entry into deejaying came after I bought an old gramophone from a jumble sale. During my teen years I got together with my brother and some close friends to establish a sound system called ‘President Downbeat’. I consider this period to be my apprenticeship because as well as the kudos of being part of a sound system, I gained a huge and invaluable insight into what it took to be a top operator and ‘selector’. I am also a disciple of the King Trojan sound system which had a strong association with the Trojan record company, (the leading reggae label in the UK at the time). My infatuation with the latest imports from Jamaica was born and nurtured under Trojan’s careful eye. I learnt about high standards, a trait I have never allowed to slack & consequently have never looked back.

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