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Pete Fowler

Born 1958 in Chorley, Lancashire and became aware of soul music aged around 13 when the travelling fairground came to town and invariably played what I found out was called Tamla Motown. Graduated to the local youth club and later a club called The Vic where I heard about this place called Wigan Casino. First allnighter was in November 1974 when my life changed irrevocably. Became a regular until 1979 preceded by the Highland Room at Blackpool Mecca and occasionally followed by the Ritz Alldayers in Manchester. Emigrated to Perth, Australia in 1992 and started my own monthly event (The Irish Club) in 1996 which is still going strong to this day. 2 years later in 1998 a friend & myself initiated the annual National Aussie Weekender which has gone from strength to strength attracting 400+ guests from all over the world as the event rotates around the 5 capital cities of Perth, Brisbane/Gold Coast, Sydney, Melbourne & Adelaide.

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