DJ Buddy

DJ Buddy "buddy_anubi"

Dj Buddy began playing records in December '98 in Milan, his hometown, with a style that has evolved over the years: from 50's rock and roll and rockabilly has expanded his views to other genres like R&B, Blues, Surf, Mersey Beat and that line of English Rock and Roll between the 50s and early 60s. His sets can be divided into two distinct session, the  Black one and the White one in a line between 1955 and 1965. He was the owner of the Shake Rattle and Roll Club in Bologna, where he booked great artists as Pokey LaFarge (US); Jake La Botz (US); C.W. Stoneking (AUS); Bloodshot BILL (CAN); The Limboos (ES); The Orientals (FR); Smoky Joe Combo (FR); Mark Tortorici (US); Nick Curran and The Lowlife (US); Barrence Whitfield & The Savages (US); The Rapiers (UK); Los Straitjackets (US); BIG SANDY (US); Bob Log III (US); MAN OR ASTRO-MAN? (US); Deke Dickerson (US); and many more.

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