DJ P Rock Artwork Image

DJ P Rock

I am an aspiring DJ born and brewed in Ky. Growing up listening to a lot of Ol School music is one of the reasons why I became a DJ. The other reason is back in the day I wanted to listen to music that was nonstop. Sort like going to club but you could have your own party anywhere, anytime, with whoever you wanted to or by yourself. In my early days I was hooked on r&b, hip hop, soul and rap, but throughout my life as a DJ i have discovered other generes of music to mix to, but Ol School is my roots. Being a DJ you have to love music and be dedicated to what you do, it goes beyond the heart. Sometimes you sacrifice the love for it, but it all pays off in the end. Nothing comes for free in this world and if it does let a fellow DJ know. Peace DJ P Rock

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