DJ PEROFE Artwork Image


DJ since 40 years Germany/Spain DJ PEROFE was born in Spain in 1966. Its common name: PEdro ROdriguez FErnandez. He live in Germany since 1972. At the age of 13 years, more than 40 years ago, he started with DJ-ing. He start to play at parties, weddings, birthdays and later change to play at some Clubs in Germany and Spain. The main feature remained until today in the mixing of megamixes/sets. Recorded live on cassettes at that time – today as MP3/Wave. After many years of break (for personal and private reasons) he started mixing again in 2010. No more with live appearances, rather with mixing sets for radio stations and organizing own radio shows who were transmitted by radio stations to all over the world. In 2016 he also founded the project „Beats4Republic“ to create and produce own music.… Once DJ…. always DJ!!!

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