aleeya THIRD.EYE hussain Artwork Image

aleeya THIRD.EYE hussain

There are a group of people. They do not follow bands, instead they relate best to DJ’s. They do not prove themselves in how much they suffer, but in how much they love. They come from all walks of life; during the day, you cannot tell them from the average robot in our society. But when the dark comes, they flock to one place. The place changes every time, but they’re not going for the scenery, they’re going for the sake of togetherness. While most are up at night worrying about who they’re going to have to impress tomorrow, these people are forgetting their problems and focusing on something that is greater than the sum of its parts: universal peace, unconditional love, eternal unity, and unquestioning respect. These people are ravers, those places are raves. These people form a family, and if you’re lucky enough to be a part of that family, IG: @a.r.h.god twitter: @LETmeLIVEEE

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